This is a good website that you might check out to help your child at home learn to read their Fry Words or to practice weekly spelling words. Some English words are phonetic, meaning, the child can “sound out” the letters in the word in order to spell or read the word i.e. “c-a-t.” However, some words are non-phonetic, which means that part of the word may not be sounded out, and the child must learn that part by heart i.e. “s-AI-d” (the AI needs to be memorized but you can hear the “s” and “d” sound.
This is a good website that you might check out to help your child at home learn to read their Fry Words or to practice weekly spelling words. Some English words are phonetic, meaning, the child can “sound out” the letters in the word in order to spell or read the word i.e. “c-a-t.” However, some words are non-phonetic, which means that part of the word may not be sounded out, and the child must learn that part by heart i.e. “s-AI-d” (the AI needs to be memorized but you can hear the “s” and “d” sound.